Companhia das Lezírias is the largest farming and cattle raising and forest exploitation in Portugal, comprising the Lezíria of Vila Franca de Xira, the Charneca do Infantado, the Catapereiro and the Pauis (Magos, Belmonte and Lavouras).

The CL

The Lezíria is comprised between the Rio Tejo and Sorraia and is divided by the Reta do Cabo (E.N. 10 between Vila Franca de Xira and Porto Alto) in Lezíria North and Lezíria South.

The Northern Lezíria consists of about 1,300 indirectly exploited hectares (tenant farmers). As for South Lezíria, it occupies about 5,000 hectares, of which about 2600 ha are leased and 2,200 ha are directly exploited by CL, being that almost 1900 ha for pasture and about 320 ha of rice. Rice is also grown in Pauis de Magos, Belmonte and Lavouras, but only Lavouras, with an area of 240 ha, is directly exploited. In total, the area for rice cultivation in CL soil is around 1500 ha.


In concern of direct exploitation, CL also makes, in Catapereiro, an average of 250 ha of maize (under pivot), 140 ha of vineyard and 70 ha of olive grove, and 3050 ha of permanent biodiverse meadows in Charneca. The Charneca do Infantado and the Pauis make up an area of  around 11.500 hectares.


Companhia das Lezírias has gone through several transformations throughout its existence, being nationalized in 1975 and having passed, in 1989, the Anonymous Society of exclusively public capitals.


Since 1997, the Companhia das Lezírias has been consolidating its situation, both technologically and financially, based on a philosophy of sustainable development.


As of August 2, 2013, the Companhia das lezírias started to manage Alter Stud Farm and the National Stud Farm, by determination of DL 109/2013 of August 1, as amended by DL 171/2014 of November 10.

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