Corporate Governance


The Companhia das Lezírias, S.A. (CL, S.A.) is a public limited company whose statutes were approved by Decree-Law no. 182/89, of May 31st and amended to the current wording by deliberation of the General Assemblies on March 27th, 1991, 28 June 1996 and March 30, 2001.

The company’s share capital is €5,000,000.00, represented by 1 million shares, with a nominal value of €5.00 each.

The company’s purpose is:

  • The company’s main objective is the agricultural, livestock and forestry exploitation of its assets, as well as the industrialization and commercialization of the respective products.
  • CL, S.A., may also carry out other activities related to its main purpose, notably in the area of ​​agritourism, use of assets not related to agricultural exploration, livestock and forestry and industrialization and commercialization of products.
  • CL, S.A., may collaborate with official technical services in the field of agricultural credit, experimentation, plant and animal improvement and agricultural extension, and may participate in agreements with national or foreign entities of a public or private nature in achieving the corporate objective.

The management of the company is the responsibility of a Board of Directors, made up of three members, elected by the General Assembly for a renewable period of three years, who will appoint the President and other members with executive functions.

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